Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Impromptu Summer Stew

While I was raiding my kitchen cabinets yesterday, I decided to make a stew. I wanted something that wouldn't be too rough on my tummy (still recovering from last week's bug), contained some veggies, and that I actually already had ingredients to make. I was very loooow on food stuffs in the house yesterday (which has now been rectified by a trip to Whole Foods).

I created an easy, impromptu stew that turned out quite nicely.

1 can diced tomatoes
1 can water
1/2 can chick peas (drained)
1/2 can yellow squash (drained)
1/3 of a package of gluten-free rice noodles
Olive oil
Parsley, onion powder, coriander, pepper to taste

I coated a little bit of the pot's bottom with olive oil and began cooking a little bit of minced garlic until it started to brown. Then I poured in the can of tomatoes, the water, the chick peas, the yellow squash, and added salt. I brought those to a boil. Once they were boiling I added the rice noodles and cooked the soup based on the rice noodle's timing (8 minutes for my noodles). I added parsley, onion powder, and coriander (only a little dash of each).

After pouring the soup in a bowl, I added some black pepper. Turned out to be quite yummy and approximately 3 servings. I love the days when I am not traveling for work and get a chance to experiment with cooking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...