Monday, October 20, 2008

Hearts Like Greens; Meat, Salty, and Fried Foods, Not So Much

A "Western" diet, and even some Asian diets that are high in salt are bad for the heart. A new study, very large in scale (multi-continent, 16,000 people) made a big splash in the news today with that headline. While the conclusion about the Western diet is not new, incorporating many cultures to test the results is interesting.

Greens, Greens, Greens, They're Good for Your Heart: Study

The articles on this same subject did not mention exercise.

I have been a bit delinquent in my posting and in my food journaling, too. However, I have managed to get in exercise at least twice a week (usually four times a week) with my heavy travel schedule. Today, I took a nice stroll in a park near my hotel in Houston. I find travelling weekly (Monday through Thursday every week) tiring, but am trying to find ways to keep my energy up.

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