Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Counting Calories: Mom's Weight Loss Weapon

One of my mom's weight loss weapons is counting calories. She uses the tool available at

Monday, January 26, 2009

Drop It Like It's Hot!

Me: Lost 2 pounds total (one last week). I worked out every day last week that I was at the hotel, even when I had to wake up well before the sun did to fit in a workout.

Mom: Lost 3.5 pounds total (3 pounds last week!). My mom completed 1 hour core training, 30 minutes of core training, and did sit-ups/push-ups most nights. She also got in a walk in her new shoes at the zoo. She's dropping it like it's hot.

Hoping to keep up the weight loss and exercise, even though my travel schedule is starting to wear on me again. My fourth week of travel in a row... with many more to come.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Eating with Your Stomach has a short article reminding dieters to eat with our stomachs, rather than our eyes. Eating with our eyes can lead to overeating.

Eating with Your Stomach, Not Your Eyes

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Match-up: Mom Bests Me

This week, I maintained my weight, and my mom dropped .5 lbs. She has remained good about exercise, and I will have gotten in my 4 days of 30 minutes a week by the end of the day today.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fast, Safe Weight Loss

If you are kick-starting your year with a diet, I came across a good, down-to-earth article on what it takes to lose weight rapidly and safely.

Lose Weight Fast: How to Do It Safely

The bottom line is that you really have to cut back on calories (not below 1050/day), and you will have to exercise at least an hour every day. It can result, depending on your current weight in 3-5 or more pounds of weight loss per week.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Week 1: Me Versus My Mom

Week 1: I came out a bit ahead of my mom on weight loss, but she stepped up on exercise.

Me: -1 lb
Mom: +.5 pound

But she did an awesome job, kicking up the exercise and improving her calorie intake. She worked out 3 times, including working in a 30 minute walk at the zoo and a one hour hike. Bravo!

I ate pretty well, until the weekend. I also worked out at the hotel gym three mornings in a row (a record in the past two years!) and got in a 40 minute run and a couple of long walks with my pup. I am tracking my workouts in, because I have trouble remembering when I worked out with my hectic travel schedule (every week in Houston, Monday through Thursday).

I think we are both on the right path to not have to owe each other the $150 we bet.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Health Tips for Busy People

I came across a great little list of health tips for busy people.

Experts Reveal Health Secrets for Busy People

My mother and I might have to employ a few of these tactics to help us reach our goals!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Betting on Weight Loss

It's on. My mother and I have put $150 each on the table to work toward our weight loss goals. This bet was sparked by an earlier post on this blog.

Mom -
10 pound loss
Exercise at least 3 days per week for 30 minutes/day

Me -
8 pound loss
Exercise at least 4 days per week for 30 minutes/day

Due Date
March 29, 2009

If one of us doesn't meet our goal, we have to pay up to the other participant. Weight loss goals were determined by current weight and level of fitness.