Monday, January 12, 2009

Week 1: Me Versus My Mom

Week 1: I came out a bit ahead of my mom on weight loss, but she stepped up on exercise.

Me: -1 lb
Mom: +.5 pound

But she did an awesome job, kicking up the exercise and improving her calorie intake. She worked out 3 times, including working in a 30 minute walk at the zoo and a one hour hike. Bravo!

I ate pretty well, until the weekend. I also worked out at the hotel gym three mornings in a row (a record in the past two years!) and got in a 40 minute run and a couple of long walks with my pup. I am tracking my workouts in, because I have trouble remembering when I worked out with my hectic travel schedule (every week in Houston, Monday through Thursday).

I think we are both on the right path to not have to owe each other the $150 we bet.

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