Saturday, July 23, 2011

BAI, The New BMI

Ever thought that the BMI (Body Mass Index) calculation did not accurately reflect whether you are at a healthy weight? I have definitely felt this way. Now, after 200 years of using BMI, enter BAI (Body Adiposity Index) into the picture. What is "adiposity" you say? The root word, adipose, means "of or relating to animal fat," according to Merriam-Webster (

BMI uses a ratio of your height and weight, while BAI your height and hip measurements to calculate whether you are in a healthy range or not. BAI requires advanced math, but, of course, there are already online calculators available. A large study of Mexican-Americans and African Americans have confirmed the calculation to date. Now, other races and ethnic groups are being studied to confirm BAI's accuracy.

And, of course, there is already a BAI app for the iPhone available.

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