Monday, May 5, 2008

The 20 Pound Countdown

I have started this blog as a part of my quest to lose 20 pounds. I lost 32 pounds in 2006 to early 2007, but gained 7 of it back over last fall. I also never reached by final goal weight (suggested by doctors). That leaves me with 20 pounds to lose.

I am only 5'2, so 20 pounds on my frame is visible anytime I wear pants that are actually my size. I am pleased with myself for at least staying at a 25+ pound loss for more than a year and a half, but disappointed that I didn't crack down earlier and shed the remainder.

I finally decided, as I did in 2006, that the time to drop the remainder is now. I want to be at my target weight, before a great vacation in Thailand in December, and prior to considering having children in the next couple of years.

The hardest part for me is getting started, but I am committed and tend to be somewhat strong willed. I made my firm decision to keep on with weight loss again two Tuesdays ago, and I have lost my first 1/2 pound since then and feel much better and stronger physically since I started working out in earnest again (running instead of strolling with my dog, doing power yoga, playing golf).

I also know I am addicted to sugar, as I currently give into uncontrollable urges to eat any useless carbs on hand. I know I have to kick the addiction for two reasons: 1) it has started to push my weight up lately and has become a maintenance struggle, and 2) I won't be able to lose unless I give it up. Knowledge plus a strong will to actually make changes is a key for me to lose weight.

19.5 pounds to go.

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