Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 21, 2008 Daily Summary

I had a big surprise today. I wasn't sore! I am not sure I have ever not been sore after an eight mile run, but I woke up feeling just fine and dandy and stayed that way all day long.

That said, today was a difficult day food-wise, because I woke up quite early to take my hubby to the airport. I had breakfast two hours early, but saved a banana for a mid-morning snack. The banana did not help much. I was still very hungry two hours before lunch time. I was hungry before lunch, after lunch, and I wasn't satisfied until I had dinner. I ended up eating 76 calories more than planned trying to stave off eating a full meal. The calories came in the form of some pickle spears, extra cherries, an extra cup of coffee with agave nectar. All in all, I am still pleased with today's results will modify tomorrow's meal schedule slightly to make up for the extra calories today. (I had planned for tomorrow to be higher calorie day than today.)

Food and liquids ingested today:
3 cups of coffee
1 egg, 2 turkey sausages
1 banana
3 pickle quarters
Open face sandwich (One slice gluten-free bread, once slice all natural Swiss cheese, natural honeyed turkey slice)
1.33 cups of cherries
Salad with greenery, 2 Turkey Sausages cooked this morning, goat cheese, tomato, Cindy's Kitchen Chipotle Ranch Dressing (wheat, soy, corn free, yippee!)
2 ounces red wine
1 can of Diet Hansen's Black Cherry Soda

Exercise: walked an hour and ten minutes with my dog (4.5 miles) and strength trained and stretched for 50 minutes. I got my new Nike + iPod sensor in the mail, so I am back to tracking my distance and time more accurately.

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